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Current Events

In Response to Violence

February 20, 2018

The American experiment has, from its inception, been an exercise in violence. Between waging war against the British Empire and decimating First Nations people, violence is so woven in the fabric of national identity that it is impossible to separate America from our violence. The Boston Tea Party, so celebrated in our pursuit of liberty, was itself violent. Without violence, the whole economy of our early nation would not exist.


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DeKalb high school student found shot dead in driveway

May 23, 2017

DeKalb County police are investigating the death of Keshon Kerns, a Southwest DeKalb High student and lacrosse player.

A Lynching on the University of Maryland Campus

May 22, 2017

 Richard Collins III was about to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Army. He was airborne certified. He was a son, a friend, and active in his church.

Law extends Pa. anti-hazing policies to high schools

May 27, 2016

Soon, college fraternities and sports teams won't be the only ones who can be punished for hazing.

Gov. Wolf signed a bill Tuesday that will broaden Pennsylvania's anti-hazing law to cover middle and high schools, and require districts to adopt and enforce anti-hazing policies.

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